Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, good bye 2006 and hello 2007! I love starting a new year! I love wiping that slate clean, opening up a fresh new calendar and penciling in important dates, anniversary's and birthdays to look forward to in the coming year! I bought a new planner today and oh the joy that filled my heart as I opened it up and looked at the first week of the year! I am a dork, I do realize this. No need to remind me, if that's what you are thinking of doing. I am a planner. I plan almost every hour of every day. I love having a schedule and sticking to it!
Last year Ryan started this new tradition of picking one word to work on as our New Years resolution. Last year the word was contentment. This year, our word is PATIENCE! Definitely something we both need while dealing with a two year old. It really struck me on Monday that I had a two year old. His birthday came and went so fast and then Christmas rolled right by after that and I never really had time to reflect on what happened. I was driving by myself on Monday and just thinking about things and I could not get over the fact that I HAVE A TWO YEAR OLD. That amazes me. I mean, this is who I am, the mother of a two year old! Anyway, patience is something that neither Ryan nor I received from previous generations. It does not come easy to us and we are going to have to work HARD at achieving it. So, keep us accountable.
My other resolution this year is to read at least one book every month. I read a quote today that said, If you read for 15 minutes every day you can read 25 books in a year! Surely I can read merely one a month! My book this month is Small changes for a Better Life, by E. George. I love reading her books and they always challenge me. So, if you have any must reads for me this year, let me know! And keep asking me how it is going!
What are some of your New Years resolutions?


Unknown said...

To tell you the truth, Suzanne, I haven't yet given much thought to the new year's resolutions. You've challenged me to get going though! I'm sure one of my resolutions will be to have consistent quality time with God through His Word. And also to exercise regularly. I have 10 lbs. I desperately want to shed!

I hear you about the shock of having a toddler! Chloe's 16.5 mos. now and when she reaches her 18 mos. milestone I'm sure I'll experience a slight shock. Hope Gavin's twos aren't terrible!

Anonymous said...

you're ahead of me too! i don't do resolutions... =P. But your post was very inpsiring!!!