Thursday, September 06, 2007

It's Potty Time

Well, this post goes out to Alicia who is in the midst of potty training as well! Gavin and I have been working hard at it for a few weeks now. He is doing really really well with only a few set backs. He still does not tell me when he has to go, but he holds it in until I take him. He definately has control over it, but I have to take the inititive or he'll have an accident. If I forget to take him, he tells me as it is happening! There have been quite a few yucky times over the last few weeks, but we have not had one overnight or naptime accident! Yeah for Gavin! I am so excited to be in this phase of life. I know it means my boy is growing up, but I am so ready for that. It is hard work and I am sweating most of the day. I feel like I can't leave the room or else he will go. I have been running around like mad trying to keep up with my chores while still keeping an eye on him. Yesterday we had a really good day. I knew he had to poop so I took his underwear off and started to tell him if he had to go to just sit on the potty and do it. A few min. later he ran to his potty, threw up the lip and did his deed all by himself. He was so excited. He kept on saying, "get my prize now!" It was so cute. I got a great deal on some wooded Thomas Tracks off of Craigs List and have been rewarding him with them. He LOVES them and they are just what he needs to motivate him. Anyway, this potty training stuff is hard work but I can see dollar signs in my head as I think of all the money I am saving on diapers. I wont EVER have to buy them for Gavin again! THAT is MY motivation!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's so very encouraging to me right now to hear potty success stories! Way to go at the overnight and nap time dryness - wow, I'm totally impressed by that. Chloe's definitely ok at holding it, she just holds it until it all comes gushing out. Today the floodgates happened to open while she was on the potty seat - yeehaw!!!!

I hear ya, I had to switch from cloth diapers to disposables when Chloe was about 20 months (she outgrew all the diapers/plastic pants available) and I HATE having to shell out so much money every week for diapers.

I was motivating Chloe with stickers on her chart but we might have to change that up. I like your idea of using a specific type of toy to motivate. Stickers just don't cut it when it comes to train tracks. :)

Thanks again for the encouraging post! Keep up the great work, all of you!