Monday, July 11, 2011

Wake up Call!

Confession - I didn't actually start waking up at 6:00 until today. Let me tell you, I thought I was going to die. This is going to be an adjustment for me. You bet I hit that snooze button as soon as the alarm went off. Less than two minutes later, Charlotte was up crying dramatically. I went into her room and rubbed her back for a few minutes and she settled back down. As I was staggering out of her room, I thought "Okay, okay. I'm up!" and I stayed up. It was rough, though and I accomplished very little. I should have prepped my coffee the night before. I didn't want to wake everyone up while grinding my beans. I think a hot cuppa would have helped me wake up a bit more. I sure hope tomorrow is better. I'm sure it will get easier and easier every day, right? RIGHT? (in need of some encouragement here!)


kellyH said...

great job girl!! it will get easier every day. though I'm pretty sure it's never f.u.n. :) 30 days to build a new habit, right? hang tough!

Unknown said...

No clue if it gets easier for I have yet to try that whole get-up-before-the-kids thing. Hopefully I'll join you come fall though as I'll have to get Chloe moving for school!

suzanne said...

Alicia! Are you not homeschooling next year?

jeileenbaylor said...

You can do it! But i agree... coffee is a necessity at that hour of the morning. You will feel SO much better with your hot cup of joe in your hand I am sure!