Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Update on Charlotte

So, last time I wrote about our girl, her Doctor put her on that icky formula for two weeks with the hopes of clearing up her issue. Well, the first week was ROUGH! Charlotte did not like the formula, she had a hard time taking it. She would cry and nuzzle up to me and try and nurse. So, I cheated. A lot. I continued to nurse her off and on for a few days. Quitting cold turkey seemed so mean! So, after I resolved to stop cheating, I started giving her the formula. Things definitely improved. No more visible blood. So, I sent in her stool sample and it did come back negative. YAY! So, during the first week on the formula I was majorly cheating on my no milk, no soy diet. It was hard to continue with it when I knew I couldn't nurse her anyway. I think I was a little too excited to be having dairy again and apparently, consumed too much. I had another attack of gall stones, while we were on vacation with the Dobbertin family! It was NOT good. Anyway, the second week she was on the formula, I went back on my diet and was SUPER strict about it. I talked with a nutritionist as well and she really encouraged me to stick with the diet and go back to nursing her. So, after the two weeks were up, I started nursing her again. I am VERY happy to report that there has been NO visible blood in her stool. After a week of nursing her I sent in another sample and it came back negative as well! I could not be more thrilled. I am so happy that I can continue to give Charlotte the best and exactly what she needs! Thank you so much for your prayers and support!


kellyH said...

I am SO happy to hear that!

jeileenbaylor said...

first of all that picture of her with the ponies is soo adorable!

I am so proud of you for sticking with your diet! I know how hard that must be. And I am super glad that you can nurse her again! I am sure you (and she) are both happy about it too :)

Katie Barker said...

That's awesome!