Friday, September 10, 2010

I am

I am . . .

* tired of cleaning up vomit - going on day three now.

* missing my boy while he's at school BUT

* getting a lot done while he's away.

* unable to believe how quickly the hours pass while he is gone.

* drinking coke like I never stopped.

* ready for the weekend.

* excited for AWANA to begin next week!

* exhausted from a long, emotional week, busy week.

* enjoying my clean house - cleaner than it's been in a LONG time.

* hoping Gavin doesn't have too much homework tonight.

* looking forward to a mini date with my hubbs on Saturday night - If sissy cooperates

* not sure how I am going to make it through next week with even MORE to do than I had this week.

* on my knees more than ever these days!!!

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