On the first day of our unit studies we go to the library. I usually place the books I need/want on hold and have the librarian pull them for me. That way I can just waltz right in, grab my books and head out. Well, for whatever reason, I decided to locate the books myself this week. NIGHTMARE with three kids. Charlotte was all over the place ripping books off of the shelf. I was lugging Chase around in the car seat and sweating my brains out b/c I didn't want to take off my coat and have something else to carry. I'm not sure I'll ever do that again. The worst part is that I never even found the books that I needed. They were NOT on the shelf where they should have been.
How does one successfully visit the library with three kids under five?
First, when I saw that you had posted something called "Library Day" in my RSS reader, I was in awe and immediately clicked to see what you had done to make it a success. LOL, I'm glad someone is in the same boat as I am. I take one kid, go alone, or the whole family goes. I have taken them both with the double stroller but that usually ends badly. My boys are SO busy. I'm hoping it gets better with age, but I for sure can't wait to hear hints from other moms. :-)
For the first few weeks of our unit study adventures I did EXACTLY what you describe. I couldn't handle the stroller though because it was horribly unhelpful. When Solomon was little I could carry him along on my hip and pull the books I needed. My library has lots of kids' toys and such and I'd make Chloe be in charge of Clive while I fetched books from the non-fiction section. I also resort to letting the kids play on the kids' computers when I'm desperate. They have to both sit at the same computer (Chloe playing something and Clive watching) and Chloe is in charge of Clive. I know that's only a slight notch up from zoning out in front of a video but it keeps them quiet and out of trouble while I'm searching the stacks!
What was horrible was carrying all the books to the car -- it took me several weeks to figure out I needed to bring my own over-the-shoulder type of bag to tote all the books home.
Now that Solomon is more squirmy, I don't dare going to the library with all three to get books. When I need unit study books I go alone. I look up all the books I want at home and go prepared with a list. That way I'm not wasting time at the card catalog looking up call numbers.
Hope that helps!
Ummmmmm.....stroller? :)
I didn't even know you could set books on hold and have the librarian pull them for you -awesome! I went with both girls for the first time last week- and it ended with me on the floor with both girls crying their eyes out (and me about ready to). That's a whole story of its's own-haha!
I go to the library every week and usually I have three kids three and under. The boys are old enough to understand, "stay here. look at this. Don't go anywhere." etc. Aubrey is my terror. I have to either hold her or occupy her with the library toys. I know the names of the authors I like so I go right to those sections and grab my books. OR - I go straight to the librarian and tell her what books I'm looking for and she gets them for me. I figure she would rather get my books then have my three kiddos make a mess! :) Although I do allow Owen to pick out a couple of books on his own.
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