Friday, July 27, 2007

New Link

Today, as I was browsing topics on the internet, I found this amazing link - Facts about Miscarriage. I starting reading through the site, because when I was going through it, it seemed as if I could find no valubable information about the topic. No one would tell you exactly what, when or how. My doctor didn't even really give me any of the real, hard facts about what to expect. Anyway, I have added the link to my sidebar because I think that it is an amaizng site. A mother who lost her baby at 20 weeks started the site. It gives you tips on how to explain it to others and how to feild hurtful and stupid comments. I feel like I could write a book, or a pamphlet at the very least, on what not to say to someone during a miscarriage! She tells you what to expect before, during and after. There is even a page about coping with your feelings towards God. It really is a fabulous site and I would recommend you check it out!



Jenny said...

That is a great resource. I've bookmarked it. And, I've been praying for you guys.

Mike and Nicole said...

That's a great site. I know even girls who haven't necessarily had problems but are all to worried about it will find that helpful.
And about Gavin...holy cow...that poor kids face. He was still so cute in all the pics but that looks like it hurt bigtime!!! what a bump!!!

Anonymous said...

what's your guy's phone number?
