Saturday, April 02, 2011

Minial living

As I briefly mentioned in my last post, the Dobbertin's are slowly getting into minimalist living. I feel like it's been coming on for some time but it's recently taken off at a whole new level! I feel that I have so much to say about it that Ryan (yes, he's getting involved too!) and I are starting a separate blog in case you all want to join us in our journey or at the very least, read about it! I was thinking of just doing one post, but my mind immediately went nuts with all of the things I'd like to say about it. So, please follow me on over to here, add us to your google reader and help us on our path to owning and consuming less.

1 comment:

jeileenbaylor said...

Officially added to my Google reader! I am so excited. Tim and I have been feeling the same way for various reasons lately - so we'll have to chat about it when we catch up again ;)