Thursday, April 17, 2008

A few months ago I was having a conversation with someone and they asked me if I was the type of person who made my bed everyday. I was very confused because I didn't realize that there were other adults out there who would even consider not making their bed everyday. I said, "of course I make my bed everyday!" I went home and told Ryan and he had the same response that I did. I just brought this up with my friend Anne, who is my polar opposite (which is why we get along so well) and she thought that I was the crazy one. She rarely makes her bed.

I am starting to realize that I may be the one who is in the minority on this. Of course, I know i do other things that not everyone does. For instance, when I make my bed all the lines have to run straight on my quilt and the sheet has to start at just the right spot at the top of the bed. And every day before I leave the house I have to make sure that the couch pillows are straightened and fluffed! I know that those things are probably unique to me, but just making the bed?

So, all this to ask everyone who reads this blog - Do you make your bed everyday?


Jenny said...

YES! It's the first thing I do when I get out of bed. And I'm like you with the lines matching up, too.

Laura said...

I always do too, even if it's right before I go to bed. My husband makes fun of me for it, but I can't get into a messy bed!

christina said...

i try. and truly, you are one of my inspirations. :) serious. your organizational skills put martha to shame. i feel like when i make my bed first thing it really helps me get other things going. i am definitely no where NEAR your skills, but ..... oh, well. i definitely don't have to have any lines matching up.... haha! :)

Unknown said...

Yup, I make my bed every day also. Though sometimes it doesn't happen until the afternoon! It's gotten harder since I wake up to a baby crying these days and then feeding him is my first priority.

Katie said...

I make my bed every day too! Well, most days. I admit that in the last 4.5 months, I haven't gotten to do everything I like too. Like, sometimes it's all I can do to me us OUT of the house, let alone leave the house in an orderly condition. I like to leave the house neat, because by the time I get ourselves home, I'm ready to crash. I like the quilt to be strait too. :)

jeileenbaylor said...

well - I would say most of the time i do. There are those mornings that I am running late that I don't. But more often than not, i like to have it made before I leave. It makes you feel a bit better about the day, doesn't it?

Carrie said...

Probably 6 out of 7 days its made by 10am. I think I used to be even better in this and other areas like the house has to be super clean before I leave for vacation. Before I go to bed or leave the house I used to have everything picked up and looking nice - it doesn't happen all the time any more and I'm afraid with our 3rd child on the way it will look nice even more.

undergroundcrowds said...
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undergroundcrowds said...

I try. I think it's good practice, and I do feel better about things if I do.

I'm not obsessive compulsive ;), so it doesn't come naturally. Just kidding.

Are you kidding? what lines?

the johnson crew said...

i certainly TRY! and i am trying to train my kids to make their own beds, but making beds can become just one more thing to add to my never ending list every day. i'm sure these things will come in time. - i sure wish you were here to make all my beds and organize my house. i just need somebody like you!

the johnson crew said...

oh and like katie said, if i need to go somewhere anytime before noon with 2 infants and 4 young kids, our house pretty much looks like a heap. at this point we are choosing our battles... we are just treading water right now!

suzanne said...

Well, Janelle! You are certainly exempt from almost all household tasks for the time being! If I were you I would never be getting out of bed, much less making my bed!

Mike and Nicole said...

I have to admit there are days I am doing something in the morning and I get up with just enough time to get out the door...those are not bed-made-first-thing kind of days. I usually do make it eventually b/c I don't like to get into a messy bed. BUT...when I make my bed I have to have every thing perfect too...sheet with the tag in the right corner...quilt hanging off the exact same on each side...sheet folded down over quilt and straight all the way quilt perfectly placed so it ends right at the top of the goes on and on...but I think I would still be messier than you.