Thursday, August 03, 2006

Gavin's Painting

Gavin had his first painting experience the other day. Everything was going fine until he started eating the paint! What can I say? He's not too bright, he takes after his daddy!! Although, if you notice in the pictures, Gavin is painting with his left hand!! At least his got something from me!!!


Traci said...

I did notice he's painting with his left hand!!!! I also noticed that you stripped him down so he didn't make a mess on his clothes! Was that his first time painting? Well he looks like he loved it! What a pumpkin! I can't wait to meet that cutie!

Jake B. said...

Painting huh? That was a bold move! We havent quite reached out to the arts and crafts yet for Trenton. I am sure soon enough though. :)

Ben & Shannon said...

I know I dreaded painting with the kids, they love it tho! Play dough is another dreaded craft. The kids love playing with it, but I am always so scared it's gonna end up in the carpet. Now that the weather isn't so hot they can do that messy stuff on the deck!