Friday, March 13, 2009

Lego Mania!

About a year ago we started buying Ryan, I mean Gavin, legos. Up until this winter he hasn't played with them too much on his own. He would play with them when Ryan wanted to, but he would just get frustrated when he tried them on his own. Then Ryan would get frustrated when he would spend an hour building something and Gavin would then take 15 seconds to destroy it. This winter he has played with them almost every day. It is pointless to even put them away b/c he just gets them back out half an hour later. It occupies him for hours, literally. He loves them!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I can't wait until Aaron likes Legos. Anything that occupies a kid for hours is good. VERY good. Right now, Aaron likes books, which is also good, but he can't do that by himself. :-)