Sunday, April 25, 2010

A lesson learned

I love helping people. I really and truly do. Whatever they need, I like to come through. Accepting help, on the other hand, is not something that comes easy to me. I am sure it's my pride. I think I can and should do everything on my own. After my surgery I was overwhelmed with phone calls and e mails from friends asking how they can help. I have meals overflowing in my fridge, my kids were well cared for and had a blast at their friends houses, and my husband was even on board and changed countless diapers ALL ON HIS OWN! I learned that accepting help is not so bad after all. I could not have had as smooth a recovery with out each of these blessings. AND, I have an easy week ahead of me this week due to so many meals!!! My pride has been checked! Lesson learned.

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