Thursday, May 06, 2010

15 months and counting . . .

We had Charlotte's 15 month check up this week. I of course wrestled with the MMR shot - to give or not to give. Immunizations drive me crazy. So much info. and it all makes me uncomfortable. Both sides scare me and creep me out.

ANYWAY, this is supposed to be about Charlotte - our little wonder pulled through for us and packed on a few lbs. She jumped to the 25th percentile. They were getting a little concerned b/c she was not growing with the curve. But that's all in the past. She's fattening up quite nicely.

She is also, I am thrilled to say consuming all types of dairy. She has officially grown out of her "sensitivity". WOO HOO!!! I've lived without cheese for so long, I could just feel her pain. Now, she eats cheese sticks, yogurt, pizza, mac n cheese, MILK, MILK and more MILK! This girl loves her vitamin D.

She's a super spazzy little thing. Since I haven't been as diligent in writing in her book like I was with Gavin, I'll have to type it all out here - sorry.
So, Charlotte climbs on anything and everything
Points at what she wants
Eats everything but tomatoes
Loves her daddy
Gives kisses freely
Wrestles with big bro
Loves to clap her hands and stomp her feet to "If you're happy and you know it"
LOVES to put on shoes, necklaces, coats, - anything girly except hair clips :(
Does some sign language - all done and please
Loves to brush her teeth
Loves to do everything Gavin does
Is DIRTY all the time

begin toI'm sure there is so much more. She is so fun and it has been a joy (and a frustration, at times) to mold her into the gal God wants her to be. She learning how to have a sweet spirit and be more submissive. I'm sure it's a long road ahead of us, but we are up for the task. Bring it on, Charlotte baby! We love you and can't wait to continue to see you grow!

1 comment:

the johnson crew said...

praise God she is doing so well... and that is great that she enjoys all food (other than tomatoes...) AMOS IS SO FUSSY, and at times I think Chi tries to be fussy just because his brother is.

Your a wonderful mommy... my blog is the only place i document anything about my kids too... i think i quit on that baby books long ago...