Monday, May 10, 2010

Inspriational words

by Pastor Gavin -

I'm pretty sure Gavin will be a pastor when he grows up. He loves the Bible, he loves to follow rules, sees everything in black and white and has no problem confronting people when they are doing wrong.

Here are some things Gavin said and did today -

While using the bathroom he opens the door to inform me that he is singing "Jesus Loves Me" and he is singing it to God, because that's worship and God loves that!

I handed him a bowl of gold fish to snack on while he and Charlotte were playing and he looked at me and said, "MOM! We have to pray for this snack before we eat it!"

He brought me his Storybook Bible and asked me to read to him about "John the Cactus". I asked who John the Cactus was and he said, "You know, the guy who ate locusts!"


kellyH said...

I hope my kid(s) crack me up as much as pastor gav! :)

Katie Barker said...

"john the cactus" that's a great one!