Saturday, May 01, 2010

I can't believe

I can't believe that at one point this week my son was playing with a pink pony and my daughter was playing with a Pirate Lego guy.

I can't believe that not only am I puking as soon as I open my eyes in the morning, but I also am having the privilege of wetting my pants as I puke. Nice.

I can't believe how a sweet little 15 month old can throw her body around in a raging fit when she is mad.

I can't believe I have lost weight while pregnant (thanks to surgery!).

I can't believe I made it through my first trimester with out having to pull out any matenrity clothes - this is a first for me!

I can't believe how many diapers my husband has changed (completely unassisted) over the last two weeks.

I can't believe how easy they make recovering from surgery sound - it is NOT easy, esp. while pregnant.

Well, that's all I got. It's been a rough month! I hope you enjoyed!


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about your rough month! Hopefully your second trimester will go more smoothly and will not involve any surgery!

I'm right with you on the incontinence! I'm not puking but any laughing or sneezing usually does the trick. :)

kellyH said...

whew. that does sound rough. hope tri #2 gets so much better! (it only can, right?) :)

Katie Barker said...

Recovery - ugg! no fun. I hope you heal well soon.

My Kids Mom said...

Ahhh...wetting yourself while pregnant...the joys! I wish I could tell you that once the baby is born you'll never have that problem again...but I'd be fibbing! With Owen, every time I puked, laughed, sneezed or coughed to hard, I wet myself. Not just a little bit change your clothes kind of wetting!