Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So, I went to a new dentist this past week for a cleaning. The place was called Perfect Smile Dental Spa. What is a dental spa, you ask? It is a WONDERFUL place. I walked into the office a bit early because I knew I had to fill out some paper work. Upon arriving in this amazingly serene waiting room I was offered coffee, tea, water and crystal light. I filled out my paper work and was called back to begin my cleaning. Before the hygienist sat my down in my chair she said, please walk over here, I would like to give you a complimentary paraffin wax treatment. Okay! So I dipped my hand in the wax and she covered them with plastic. I sat down in the chair and she took some x rays. Then she tells me, while I go and develop these, so and so is going to come in and give you a complimentary massage. Okay! So I got a neck and shoulder massage while I waited. Then, I got my teeth cleaned. When I left I had the usual toothbrush and floss that you get to take home and then they decided to throw in an new electric toothbrush as well. Not too shabby. Unfortunately, I have to get some fillings replaced this week. However, laughing gas is also complimentary for their patients. I can't believe my insurance covers this place!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

sounds like a dream come true. Clean teeth and a massage!! Simultaneously!!!!