Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What's your opinion?

Okay, here it is ladies (I'm assuming all of my readers are women, maybe not) I want to know something! I want to know how you feel about tattoos. I don't have any, but I've noticed that more and more people that I never would have thought would get one, already have one! My dad has one and totally regrets it. It was something he did when he was young and stupid. However, if I had a tattoo of a rose on my forearm, I would regret that too! I am very interested in what you all will say about them. I think I know what some of you will say, but I also think that some of your answers will catch me by surprise. So, there it is. Tell me what you think!


Abby said...

Well, I have 2 tattoos and will be getting a 3rd after this baby is born. For me, they are symbols to remember things or memories, and I have no problem with them. Many Christians have problems with them and talk about it as being against the "Law", but I really don't see that. Some of our pastors at our church have tattoos even!!! I have one that is a music note and flower because of my love for music. Then I have an "E" with details on the side for Elijah, and then the next baby will have their own tattoo as well. For me, I see nothing wrong with it, and I have NO regrets of getting them. Many people will disagree with me, and I'm not here to tackle the theology of tattoos either :-) I just like mine and have no problems with people that have them. Of course, mine aren't right out there and in your face if you saw me. They are discreet and tucked away. But, I love them!!

Abby said...

Oh, and I think it's definitely a personal choice, and no one else's (except spouse or such of course).

Unknown said...

Both my mom and sister have tattoos and they don't seem to have any regrets (I take that back, my sis had a turtle done on her toe her 18th bday that wasn't done well). I personally wouldn't ever get one because I'm a baby about pain. :) And also because I'm a cheapskate -- I'd be thinking about how I could instead spend the same amount on a week's worth of groceries. :)

The only theological reason I could venture against a tattoo would be motivation. Why does said person want to get a tattoo? To draw attention to himself? To identify with the culture? To witness in some way (i.e. a Bible verse or reference)? To draw undue attention to some part of the anatomy that would defraud him? To be "cool" in some way?

That being said, I think Abby's comments about her desire for tattoos to mark incredibly special moments is right on. Very cool, Abby!

christina said...

if i did it, it would be for the same reason as abby-- kids or something incredibly special to me. but i'm a weenie about pain, too. :) alicia took the words right out of my mouth. what's your motivation? i doubt i will ever get one. it's just not something i've ever desired to have.

Kelly Glupker said...

I don't want to offend anybody who has a tattoo, so please remember that this is just a personal opinion. Just because my opinion disagrees with another doesn't mean I think less of those with opposing views. To put it plainly, my main reason for not getting one is because I have never seen a visible tattoo on a woman that I think is attractive. Rather, I typically think it takes away from her natural beauty.

Jenny said...

I find them fascinating, in an art appreciation kind of way, but my husband thinks they are yucky in much the same way Kelly mentioned. So I guess for me it's a no brainer. *grin*

I did read a blog article awhile back about a group of older middle aged church ladies who went together and got things like "Redeemed" tatooed on highly visible areas. Cool.

Funniest I ever saw? Some guy with "Proverbs 31" tattooed right on his chest, over his heart. I about fell off my poolside lounge chair.

My Kids Mom said...

I often joke with my husband that I want a tattoo...and I would actually love one, but could never decide on what/where to get one. I would ever only get one in a place that noone but my husband and I would see because I don't care for visible ones on woman - but that's just my choice. I know lots of girls who have them and almost everyone loves them. As far as theological reasons to or not to...I don't see any.

Katie said...

I enjoy tattoos that are meaningful or symbolic. I wouldn't mind if Chris got one, but I don't want one personally. If Chris wanted one, I think it would be cool to have a Greek phrase or something. Or maybe I should make him get a tat of the Hebrew translation of the Shema - since that is what he's been spending all this time in school on! :)

The funniest tattoo I ever saw was in a McD's here around the Chicago area. It was the year that the Bears lost the Super Bowl. The guy had a HUGE tattoo of the Super Bowl logo and Bears insignia on it. Maybe he should've waited until AFTER the game! :)

jeileenbaylor said...

I have been thinking for a while about getting a tulip on my shoulder... Still thinking...we could go together :)

kellyH said...

for some reason I think they look better on guys than gals...not trying to be offensive to anyone here... :) just my little opinion. I do think it's a personal choice and would be hard-pressed to find a scripture prohibiting them!