Sunday, July 26, 2009


What a busy two weeks it's been for us! My mom, dad and nephew came two weeks ago and stayed with us for several days. We kept them VERY busy. I'm sure my parents went home and needed a break from their "vacation". Gavin and Jonas had a blast together, though. We went to
Navy Pier and did the Children's Museum and Build-a-bear. We went to Millenium Park for a little music show and craft time for the kiddos. Also at Millenium park we saw the bean, watched the practice concert at Pritzker Pavillion for that evening and let the boys play in the fountains.
We also headed to the zoo one day to see Miss Lori from PBS (we scored a free book, too!). We, of course hit the beach and one day. Lastly, we walked to a spray park and hit up a really cool candy shop on the way. Like I said, I kept them busy but we had fun doing all the things we love to do in Chicago and MORE!

This last week we had High 5 at our church. It was a summer day camp, like VBS type thing. I have never been so tired in all my life and I wasn't even with the kids! I was in charge of registration and check in everyday. And of course after that I was running around being a floater and moving people around. I don't know how working mom's do it. My house was a pit all week long. It was the dirtiest it has ever been. About half way through the week I couldn't take my disgusting bathroom anymore but didn't have time to clean it. I ended up spraying some scrubbing bubbles in the potty and in the shower and then just leaving it! At least it helped a little bit! It was challenging getting myself and the kids out the door every morning at 8, too. I am NOT ready for Gavin to start preschool. It is going to be harder than I thought! Well, I hope that our summer slows down from here on out. I can't take this whirlwind much longer!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a sweet time for Gavin and his cousin! Sounds like you've been enjoying your summer to the fullest! (By the way, is that an Ella book Gavin has on his lap? We love those!)