Friday, June 05, 2009

4 1/2 months and 4 1/2 years

This post is more for me than for any of you , so feel free to skip this post!

Charlotte Mae 4 1/2 months old:
She is pretty much the easiest baby ever! She is so different from her big brother.

At her last dr.'s appointment she weighed in at 13 lbs. 9 oz.

She is sleeping 9-10 hours at night and wakes up chatting and cooing in her crib. She also takes 2 two hour naps and 1 one hour nap during the day. Her brother was NOT a great sleeper, so it's nice to have a baby that does sleep (she takes after her mamma)!

She rolled over, from yummy to back, two times just the other day, but hasn't done it since. I am pretty sure it was a fluke, but I thought I'd document it just in case!

She doesn't seem to mind tummy time at all, which is also very unlike her brother was at that age.

She is starting to grab at everything, which is pretty annoying but fun at the same time.

She has found her voice and is often SCREAMING for no apparent reason. She has just figured out how to be heard over her brother. Those sweet coos just weren't doing it, I guess!

We are attempting to correct her flat-on-one-side head to avoid the whole helmet thing. Apparently she prefers one side over the other. She has a hard time getting comfortable on the other side, but she is doing pretty well. At first you couldn't even get her to turn her head in that direction, but now she will do it with a little bit of effort.

She loves her brother as long as he is a few inches away. He can frequently be found right in her face giving her kiss upon kiss. She's picked up a new defense tactic with the screaming, though.

Gavin Mack 4 1/2 years old:
His current favorite color is green, because that is Uncle Jason's favorite color.

He is crazy about reading lately. This is something that I have been waiting and waiting for. I never wanted to force it but I've always suggested we do it. Now, I don't have to suggest it. Gavin brings me books several times a day to read. He even says he's ready to learn how to read! Yeah!

As far as toys go, he is also crazy for Lego's and crazy for all things pirates. He really can play with anything. This kids imagination astounds me. He can be occupied by a bag of cotton balls and some plain old paper for hours. Some days he doesn't even play with his toys, he just finds other things to play with.

He LOVES t.v. and movies. This is always a battle at our house. When he does get to watch movies, he doesn't just watch them. He gets out lots of toys and acts out the movie while it plays. It's pretty cute.

He enjoys doing his chores. Most of the time, He does them without a protest.

He is phasing out of taking naps. He still needs them occasionally, but for the most part, he has stopped taking them. If I let him take too long of a nap, he will be up playing in his bed until 10:00!

He is a busy boy, always wanting a different activity. His favorite things, above all else, is going to the park and to the beach. He LOVES being outside!


Katie Barker said...

I read it anyways. It was kinda interesting :)

jeileenbaylor said...

thanks for the update - it seems like forever since I have seen you! We definitely have to plan a play date SOON :)

kellyH said...

this was fun to read!