Sunday, January 17, 2010

Vacation Mode

I am having the hardest time getting out of vacation mode since Christmas break. I just can't seem to get motivated. Most days I don't even get out of my sweats! Even cleaning my house (which I usually take joy in) doesn't seem to be appealing to me. I am way behind in Gavin's reading schedule. I've been letting him watch way too much t.v. and we've even neglected doing school. It has been taking me two weeks to get through one week of material with him. I know he is in the same rut that I am in. When we do do reading, it is a huge struggle to get him to focus. I have several projects piling up on me which is making it even harder to get motivated! I just need to power through and do what I need to do weather I feel like it or not! My goal this week is to complete TWO of my projects this week, do Gavin's reading every day, school at least four days and make a spreadsheet for children's ministry that I have been wanting to do. It seems like a lofty to-do list to add to the other every day tasks that I have, but I know I can do it! Help cheer me on and keep me accountable!


Unknown said...

You can do it! :) And you're not the only one lacking motivation post-holidays. I'll be forced to get back to schedule as this coming week Matt goes back to teaching and my normal commitments are starting up again. Ugh.

Jenny said...

You are NOT ALONE! :-) My days just fly by!